Have you also experienced asking someone a question and their reply doesn’t
answer your question? It does get annoying, right?
Well sometimes, God does that…He answers our prayers in ways we don’t (or won’t
even) know; and most of time when He does this, it doesn’t make sense to us. But
our GOD is a limitless God and He has unlimited ways of answering our prayers! God
has His own way of answering our request and most of the time He lets us
participate in the process. This process is called “believing & trusting” that His
words and promises are true, and by believing, you start “doing,” even while
“waiting.” You start “digging ditches,” and what does that mean?
In 2 Kings 3:16-19, God said He then said, “Dig ditches all over this valley. Here’s
what will happen—you won’t hear the wind, you won’t see the rain, but this valley is
going to fill up with water and your army and your animals will drink their fill. This
is easy for GOD to do; he will also hand over Moab to you. You will ravage the
country: Knock out its fortifications, level the key villages, clear-cut the orchards,
clog the springs, and litter the cultivated fields with stones.”
Digging ditches is like giving space for God to work. My personal interpretation of
this is God loves to come down and work within THAT space that we give Him in our
lives. The bigger His space is, the greater things we accomplish through His works in
us. Sometimes, even as simple as the time we give Him in a day, in my quiet times
dedicated for Him, there I feel His presence strongly speaking to me.
We need to “hear the word,” because without it, it would be difficult to obey and do
our part in Him answering our prayers. Wandering around the desert not knowing
where to go and what to do and doing so can and will wear us out! The first thing we
have to dig in is God’s Word.
“The PURPOSE” of digging ditches is so that we will have containers for the “water”
God promised us. If you really believe God is an abundant God and is ready and
willing to bless our lives in a greater ways than we can ever imagine, we ought to be
digging all kinds of ditches in our relationship, in our career, in our ministry and in
every area of our lives. We should start digging ditches through our words, with our
prayers, with our expectations and even with our thoughts.
If we expect to receive the blessing from God, then we must prepare to receive it.
“Make this valley full of ditches,” I believe its an order given to all the members of
this church; make ready for the breakthrough; be prepared to receive that which He
is about to give. It’s time to make the whole church full of ditches to receive the
mighty outpouring of God’s blessing.
You see, We ought to act as though we were “certain” He would work mightily,
we must prepare in faith! Like the what the bible said “Call on the things that are
not as though they were” Start digging ditches with the declarations of our mouth.
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